The walls of Hôtel de la Plage have so many stories to tell.

At first
Initially a summer camp, the buildings of the popular “Le rayon de soleil” holiday cooperative society were transformed into a holiday camp for the Maison de Cognac Hennessy in the 1950s and now house a hotel.

A filming location
The hotel became the location for the filming of the L’Hôtel de le Plage series on France 2. Loosely based on the film of the same name, the TV series L’Hôtel de la Plage features Bruno Solo and Fatima Adoum on vacation in a hotel in Ronce-les-Bains.

The whole story
Paul, Bruno Solo, has just landed a big contract. With wife (Samia, Fatima Adoum), children and stepmother, he decides to celebrate that in a seaside hotel. All is well in the best of all possible worlds, when he learns that the contract is canceled and he is ruined. But he will act as if ... hence unexpected situations. The other story ... It is that of the place, because it contains almost the entire history of Ronce-les-Bains. July 17, 1856, at Maître Pougnard, notary at La Tremblade, Mr. Perreaudeau de Beaufief buys the Ronze estate from Antoine François Marquis de l'Astic, the land is part of the estate. Perreaudeau de Beaufief will be the first developer and creator of the resort. The plot will be part of the estate of Berthe Perreaudeau de Beaufief will be the first developer and creator of the resort. The plot will be part of the estate of Berthe Perreaudeau de Beaufief and will be bought by Mr. De Coatgourden, before being sold to the Société la Forêt, which then begins its activity as a developer in Ronce-les-Bains, on April 7, 1923. , at Maître Bargeaud. with the “holiday camps” becoming fashionable, this company then sold several plots of land to companies to send the children of the employees there to breathe the fresh Atlantic air. Simple campsites then solid constructions: “Vacances PTT”, “Melles”, “Police nationale”, “Ugines”, etc… Some establishments have become private residences but others still exist, under other names, such as “Azureva” and “Renewal”. Hennessy Built in 1909, the building was first called the “Rayon de soleil”. On a postcard from 1934, we discover an original visitor: Trotsky! While in exile in St Palais, he may have come to visit his supporters in Tremblad, including the 3 Papaud sisters, teachers and above all practicing Communists. Then exit the sympathetic “Rayon de Soleil”, the building is gaining ground by becoming “the Grand Hotel”, it will be sold by the Société la Forêt on August 19, 47, at Maître Dournaud, notary in La Tremblade, with secular works “ JAS ”from Hennessy, still owners. As the traditional holiday camps are no longer fashionable, “Hennesy”, as we used to say between Ronçois, will then be offered under management to private organizations to offer holiday stays. Soon an indoor swimming pool, a new name, “Hôtel de l'Embarcadère”, and perhaps a new destiny with “Hôtel de la plage”? As an anecdote, apart from the fact that the main building is the tallest and most voluminous construction in Ronce-les-Bains, its annex is worth a detour: the sea-side facade, with a view of the Marennes Oléron basin and the setting sun, is reserved for… bathrooms and toilets, the one on the street side, for living rooms! Surprising, isn't it? ...